7 Myths about Living with Ease

Even in the most idyllic life, suffering happens. It is an inevitable part of being human. But day to day living doesn’t have to be laced with stress and torment, even though it has become a ‘normal’ way of living for many people nowadays.

To be truly free from the overwhelm of today’s chaotic world, a paradigm shift in the way we see life is required.  Once that shift is made, it quickly becomes apparent that much of the suffering that we habitually experience is unnecessary… because we are creating it ourselves.

Luckily, with a new perspective and the deliberate intent to live in the flow with ease, things can improve surprisingly quickly, so long as limiting beliefs about living with ease don’t get in the way. So let’s bust a few of them now.

7 Myths about Living with Ease

Many people think that intentionally living with ease means:

  1. Believing that nothing unwanted will happen
  2. Not doing much or being unproductive
  3. Being hedonistic
  4. Not benefitting others or not pulling your weight
  5. Always expecting to feel good
  6. Not facing reality or being responsible
  7. Being selfish

None of these are correct. On the contrary, when we learn to intentionally live with ease we free up our bandwidth.

With greater a bandwidth we have infinitely more space in our lives and any feeling of overwhelm disappears.

We not only feel better in ourselves, we have far more to offer to our families, people around us and the rest of the world. Especially as parents, we become better role-models, as we can emulate the qualities that we wish for our children.

Benefits of intentionally living with ease:

  • You are powerfully positioned to create circumstances of your choosing, without struggle.
  • You are no longer creating more challenge in your life than is already presented to you.
  • You cut most potential challenges off at the pass, without force or victimhood.
  • When challenges do occur, you know how to dissolve most of them quickly and easily.
  • When life situations occur that you really can’t change, you know how to deal with them with true calm and acceptance.

This naturally leads to your life loosening up and most of the time, flowing smoothly. In flow, there’s the space to think clearly and move freely…and to just be. In flow, you no longer feel hamstrung by fear, doubt and “shoulds”, or caught up in the struggle to make things happen. The by-product of this is that you automatically become more productive, which in turn creates more space. Then, from within this positive cycle, the feeling of inspiration can re-enter, along with the confidence to move forward in the way you really want to.

Do a quick self-check…

Could you be living with more ease? Ask yourself these questions. Am I…

  1. Resigned to life being hectic, stressed or less than happy?
  2. Struggling to create space in my mind or life, by giving up things or pushing things away?
  3. Stressfully trying to protect myself from certain people and unwanted circumstances?
  4. Persistently trying to “make lemonade out of the lemons”?
  5. Struggling, pushing and striving to be or have what I want?
  6. Giving up on my dreams?
  7. Lowering my expectations to avoid disappointment?

These are just some of the signs that we are not engaging our full power and thereby making life difficult.

If you’d like to change this and begin living in flow instead, you can start the process immediately by applying for a complimentary clarity call.

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