The Power of Your Thoughts

Here are three videos that have the capacity to change your life. 

Science proves what the spiritual traditions have been saying for thousands of years; our thoughts have a profound effect on the world around us. So it’s wonderful that so many people now know this, and are beginning to utilise the in-built power that we all have. However, I believe that there are two main aspects still holding us back:

  1. Lack of detailed understanding
  2. Lack of trust

Trust is one of the most critical aspects that we must  develop; and by this, I mean a knowing trust, not blind faith.

Therefore, the aim of this post is to build trust in those who are already familiar with the idea of our thoughts creating our reality. It’s also intended to bring new insight, along with trust, for the beginners.

Why is this so important right now?

From a position of solid trust, inspired action towards positive change, can be done with ease. Beginning on a personal level, intention, combined with an inner knowing creates inner peace, and from there, it’s possible to begin creating the life you love, instead of merely existing the way you feel you have to.

Once this happens in on the individual level, each person can begin to effect positive change on a much larger scale. We can do this when we truly recognise the part that each of us plays in the collective consciousness that changes worlds.

Why watch the videos?

It will be a short amount of time, very well spent! Wherever we are on the path of learning to harness the power of our thoughts, these videos act as powerful reminders to keep letting go of the old paradigm, one of struggling to make things happen. Instead, come at things the smart way, the easier way, starting with your thoughts and intentions.

If you would like to learn how you can take specific steps to practically apply this in your life, apply for your complimentary clarity session

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