Do you start each year with high hopes for a fresh start but end up feeling stuck?

They say that a definition of insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting a different result, and yet that’s what so many of us do around this time of the year!  

Take a moment and think about how you approach the New Year.

After Christmas, when you finally have a little space to breathe, do you set about making goals and resolutions, or even just have the intention of turning over a new leaf ? Or maybe you feel too exhausted to think at all, and you drop into the New Year armed only with hope, willpower and your fingers crossed. Either way, you are most likely setting yourself up for stress and failure.

The problem is that over 90% of new year’s resolutions fail. Even worse, they nearly always set you up for stress, because you’re trying to do something with your conscious mind that your subconscious isn’t in agreement with. Yet sitting around, just hoping isn’t the answer either!

So what are you supposed to do?  

To be stress-free, with contentment, fulfilment and true success, you need to be following your broad, heartfelt vision. The first step in doing that is to avoid making decisions based on fear and limitation; and instead, come from an expanded vantage point. So before you make any plans, goals or resolutions, ask yourself:

“What would I really choose if I knew I couldn’t fail, if I wasn’t scared, and there were no “shoulds”?

From that point, there are simple ways of developing your vision so that you stay aligned with it, and with your true purpose. When you know how to do that, you make life a lot easier and more enjoyable, for yourself and for those around you. If you’d like personal guidance in doing this, apply for a complimentary one on one clarity session.

If you’re keen on setting resolutions before the New Year begins, follow these steps to set yourself for true success and not more stress.


1. Go towards, not away:

Make sure that you are aiming towards something that you feel inspired about, and not trying to get away from something that you fear or dread. It may seem like just a matter of wording, but this is critical.

For example, are you aiming towards feeling slim and fit at 60kg, or are you beating yourself up for being overweight, and vowing to get rid ‘ugly fat’? Are you planning to do more work because you feel inspired and excited about what you’re doing for yourself and others, or are you whipping yourself along to avoid debt?

To do: Look at the things that you don’t want and flip them into what you do want.

2. Work out your ‘why’:

Ask yourself what difference it will make in your life by achieving that goal or keeping that resolution. In practical terms, what will be different? How will it make things better for others as well as yourself? How will your experience of life be improved?

To do: Write your answers down – don’t just think about it.

3. Find the feeling:

This step is key. Stop and imagine these things are already in place. Identify the inner feeling that it brings you. If you come up with the feeling of ‘happiness’ or ‘relief’, go deeper. What is the actual inner feeling associated with having these things? For example, is it peace or joy or perhaps the feeling of lightness?

To do: Stop and visualise things playing out positively. Really sense it in your body.

5. Be it to see it:

Commit to taking each step along the way in the feeling that you just identified. For example, if you are wanting to lose weight so that you can feel light and inspired about life again, aim to do it in the energy of lightness and inspiration, each step along the way. If you’re aiming for a better career or more income, so that you feel more empowered, build the energy of empowerment in yourself first.

To do: Adjust your mindset or change the way you plan to go about things or else change your resolution altogether. Do what you need to, so that you can be the feeling that you want, from day one.

6. Remain flexible:

This means staying open to other possibilities. Instead of being absolutely fixed on your exact outcome, and how you intend to achieve it, open your mind to considering that there might be other outcomes better suited to you, and other ways of getting there, that you haven’t yet thought of.

To do: Write down “I intend to attract this or something better to suited into my life”

Are you interested in personal guidance for getting in the flow with clarity, contentment and fulfilment this year? Apply for a free one on one clarity session.


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